7 Types of Elder Abuse

The abuse of elders is a widespread and growing problem in America. Many, if not most, cases of elder abuse go unreported because the victims may fear retaliation or be unable to speak up for themselves, and even loved ones may be unaware of the warning signs. While there is no nationwide uniform reporting system, some experts believe that as many as 5 million aging adults experience abuse each year.

According to The National Center on Elder Abuse, there are seven different types of elder abuse that may occur. As you can see, each type of abuse may include a wide variety of behavior by those entrusted as family or caregivers:

Physical Abuse
The use of physical force that may result in bodily injury, physical pain, or impairment.

Sexual Abuse
Any non-consensual sexual contact with an elderly person. This includes elders unable to provide consent.

Emotional Abuse
The infliction of anguish, pain, or distress through verbal or non-verbal actions.

Financial or Material Exploitation
The illegal or improper use of an elder’s funds, property, or assets. This may include theft, scams, or manipulation.

The refusal or failure to fulfill any aspect of a person’s obligations or duties to an elderly individual.

The desertion of an elderly person by an individual who has physical custody of the elder, or by a person who has assumed the responsibility of providing care to an elder.

Any behaviors of an elderly person that threaten their own health or safety.